Best ways to make money online, work only once and get passive income for over years

Best ways to make money online, work only once and get passive income for over years

There are many people that fool others telling them that they can earn thousands of dollars in a day with no investment or no work. They tell you to join different groups on social platforms in order to get the information but you end up noticing that it's just a waste of time and they are all scammers. I actually can't understand why they mislead people, what do they get?

Below I brought you some great ways to get money without investment and it only requires you to do some set up for just minutes. As you might be knowing, affiliate marketing is one of the most profitable ways to make money online. It might not be easy for beginners to make a sale. Below I will also provide you with a source where you can get customers to buy your products without chasing them. And before proceeding, please keep in mind that there is no guarantee that you will get money right away but this can help you save time and also get passive income.

1.Affiliate marketing
This is no doubt one of the most profitable ways to make money online because you don't need to make any product. You can even earn 1000s of dollars by just selling a product that you never made. You even don't sell it actually but you need to drive traffic to the sales page and for every sale made through your affiliate link, you will be rewarded with money. You will get a commission on every sale made through your affiliate link. But as mentioned above, the big limit lands on beginners. If you want to know where to get free traffic, just continue.
Below are the affiliate marketing networks you can start with.
Warrior plus

2.Selling digital downloads
Businesses go online in order to get noticed and thereby maximize their profits. But how about you going online without any tangibles to sell, no materials to make products. You can make digital downloads and make lots of money because you only need to make it once and sell it for over years and years. You don't even need to make your own products. You can make use of copyright free products and then resell them and make pure profits. You can get free eBooks from "Free Plr Downloads", photos from "Pexels" and many other items, you can search the web for more. You can also sell articles, videos, guides,flyers, just to mention a few. Selling digital downloads can make you good profits eg You can sell a guide of just 50 words for $10 and this has no limit, you make your own price tag. You must make it more affordable in order to increase sales. 
Below are some websites you can start with.

3.Selling your designs
There are plenty of platforms where you can make designs without any material and sell them online and make money. These designs can be T-shirt designs, cups, pillowcases, towels, and so many others. When you make a sale, these platforms will do the rest for you, eg printing products bought, shipping them. If you are interested, you can join these websites for free.
Below are websites you can start with

4.Share your referral code or links
There are many apps and websites that earn you money when you refer friends. For example survey sites, PTC where you are paid to click ads and many others. You may be rewarded with money or points for every new friend or even get a percentage of what they earn and here you don't need to do anything on the website or app because you will earn whenever friends earn without any work.And since some apps or websites offer signup bonus, this won't be hard to get your referral link to be shared.
Below are websites you can start with.
Feature points
Treasure troopers

Where can you get customers?
Here you can reach out to different forums and communicate to members about your products. The demand might strongly depend on the niche of the product. For example, if the product is about fitness, bodybuilding, you need to go to fitness forums. You are most likely to get more customers when you choose a product in fitness, make money, relationship,....

You can also find customers on reddit because there are many groups and the groups have many members, choose according to your niche.
This is so good because when you make a post it will never disappear. It will stay forever.

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